These cuts are not regularly produced and are based on customer request and specification.
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1. Front Quarter
The Front Quarter is produced by cutting front half along the thoracic vetebrae and sternum into 2 equal sides. Wing, neck and part of the rib cage are removed.
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2. Back Quarters (MC)
This cut consists of back bone, thigh, and drumstick and bishop nose. The back quarters is obtained by cutting the haif back portion of chicken across the backbone( sacral lumbar).
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3. Whole Chicken Leg (without backbones) - JC
The Whole Chicken Leg cut is obtained by cutting at the natural seam through the hip joint (articulation between the femur and the pelvis) of a whole chicken. The cut consists of THIGH and DRUMSTICK and may include pelvic meat. Pelvic bones, back skin and abdominal skin are removed.
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4. Nine Piece Cut Chicken
Consist of:- 1 Keel
- 2 Rib Cut
- 2 drumsticks
- 2 thigh with back portions
- 2 wings
The Nine Peace cuts are produced by cutting a whole bird into 9 portions. The neck and wings are first removed from the whole bird and then followed by a cut across the back at the thoracic area paralel to the 7th.rib dividing the carcass into 2 portions, front and back halves. Keel is produced by cutting approximately half of the breast.
Note: Based on customer request, 7 piece cut is also available.
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5. Twenty Four Piece Cut
Containing 4 split breast with back and 6 rib portions, 4 drumsticks portion,6 thigh portion with back portions and 4 wings portions. The bishop nose is not present.
Produced by further cutting from 9 piece cut each part is cut into:
- Drumstick into 2 equal parts
- Keel into 3 equal parts
- Wings into 2 equal parts
- Ribs into 3 equal parts
- Thigh into 3 equal parts
Note: Based on customer request the knuckle can be further cut and removed from the drumstick.
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6. Chicken Drummet
The proximal portion of wing obtained by cutting through the elbow joint (articulation between the humerus and radius/ulna).
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